Monday, April 11, 2011

My 2 Front Teeth... How the new "It" girls, Georgia May Jagger and Lara Stone are helping me with my buck teeth complex

Madonna; Georgia Jagger; Lara Stone
What better to demonstrate the mercurial nature of fashion than the recent onslaught of gap-tooth fashion figures? For as long as I can remember, it was considered a major flaw, and at best, an endearing and even cute one, but none-the-less, an imperfection requiring many years of painful and expensive cosmetic dentistry.

But, in all it's ironic glory, the fashion media have been reporting of people paying cometic dentists to make gaps between their 2 front teeth.  I suppose, it's no doubt, with Georgia May Jagger and Lara Stone starring in ad campaigns for Chanel and Calvin Klein, respectively. They're gorgeous, svelte and ooze sex appeal and glamour to no end, but their buck teeth add a dimension that makes them look interesting and slightly strange. It throws people off a bit which isn't such a bad thing. Though buck-toothed pillars of style such as Kate Moss and Madonna have survived and stayed relevant through-out many decades despite their "imperfection," it's been reported that modeling agencies and designers are now looking specifically for new, buck-toothed, "character" faces.

Now I don't feel so bad for not wearing my retainer...

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